Logos International School is dedicated to academic excellence in providing a well-rounded, quality, Christian education. This includes making sure your child is safe while attending Logos and to keep you informed of any important health information.
Students may come to the Logos Nurse’s Office if they are not feeling well or have been injured. All students need to consult with the school nurse before making a decision about going home.
In the event of a life threatening emergency, the student will be transported to Royal Phnom Penh Hospital by a school van along with two Logos staff. If there is suspicion of a spinal injury, a Royal Phnom Penh Hospital ambulance will transport the student to Royal Phnom Penh Hospital.
Please make sure emergency contact information is current at all times. If your contact information has changed, please contact the school office and notify us of any changes.
For more information, please check out our health policy document. Please do
not hesitate to call or email if you have any further questions.
*Emergency Care Plan for Allergies
*Student Health and Emergency Form
*Field Trip Medical Release and Consent
*Medication Authorization Chinese/English
*Medication Authorization Khmer/English
*Medication Authorization Korean/English
*Student Travel Questionnaire- COVID
Anytime a student travels outside of Phnom Penh during the school year, they must complete the travel questionnaire as requested by Ministry of Education and Health