Mark Your Calendar
- January 22-24 – 8th Grade to Siem Reap
- February 3-February 7 – High School Serventure Camp
- February 7 – Jog-a-thon
- February 7 – End of ASP #2
- February 8 – ISSAPP Middle School Soccer End of Season Tournament
- February 10-11 – No School – LIS Training Day
- February 14-16 – ASAC HS Basketball Tournament Hosted by Logos at NICS
- February 21- Senior Transition Seminar
- February 27 – History Day
Secondary Chapel Chats
Wednesday, January 22
Middle School Chapel
- Message – The Power of Your Words
- Scripture – 2 Corinthians 10:5
- Speaker – Andy Harris
High School Chapel
- Message – A Welcoming Community
- Scripture – Mathew 21: 28
- Speaker – Mrs. Janice Lee
Jog-a-thon is on Friday, February 7th at 8:25am
This year we are raising money to support Asian Hope’s new VDP site and Hearts for Cambodia, a ministry led by Josh Smith and Spencer Jacob. Please donate generously to these two missions opportunities!
Deadline to turn in money for Jog-a-thon is Friday, February 7th at 8:00am.
Jog-a-thon T-shirt Deadline
This FRIDAY, January 24th, is the last day to order your Jog-a-thon t-shirt.
Please turn in $25 to the front office if you would like your child to wear a shirt for the run!
Your child may try on a shirt in the front office to see which size fits him/her best.
High School Serventure Camp
Logos High School Serventure Camps (Feb 3-7)
Logos will host its Annual Serventure Camps the last week of January for all Logos High School Students.
- Grades 9 and 10 will be going to Kirirom Pine Resort in the Preah Soramarith-Kosamak National Park, in Kampong Speu Province, for a week of team-building activities.
- Grades 11 and 12 will be returning to Choam Sangkac Church and Ezra Language School, in Kampong Speu Province, for a week of outreach.
Permissions letters and medical forms were sent home with students last week, and are due by Monday, Jan 27. This is a required event for all High School Students. If parents have questions or concerns, they can contact
LPA English Class!
Greetings! The next LPA English class will be Wednesday, February 5 and then again on the 19th. All parents are welcome to come and enjoy, even those who know English well or are native English speakers.
Time: 2 – 3:00 pm
Where: Library room 207
Contact: Mrs. Nelson (
These classes have been a lot of fun! Hope to see you there. 🙂
Long-term Substitute
Logos International School is looking for a long-term Substitute Teacher for 5th grade. Our current teacher is going out on maternity leave and we need a substitute starting February 17 until the end of the school year. Applicants need a university degree, preferably in education, and experience working with children in an educational setting. Applicants also need to be native English speakers. If you are interested please contact the elementary principal, Mike Belloni –
Senior Transition Seminar
On Friday, February 21st, our senior class will meet in the Logos multipurpose room for our annual Senior Transition Seminar. Mr. Barrett and guest speakers will share practical tips and resources to help students say goodbye well, navigate life as an adult, and prepare for their transition to university. Our special guest speakers are experienced professionals in counseling and university transitioning for third culture kids (TCKs).
Volunteer History Day Judges Needed
We’re looking for volunteer History Day Judges on Thursday, February 27
The Grades 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 History students will be diligently working on papers, exhibits, websites, plays, and documentaries revolving around the theme of Breaking Barriers in History for Logos’ Fourth Biannual History Day, which will be held at Logos on Thursday, February 27.
We are seeking about 10 adult volunteers to help judge the students’ entries from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. Judges for some categories do not need to be present for the entire day, so it is possible for volunteers to help out for only a few hours. Judges also do not need to be historical experts; they just need to have a good grasp of the English Language and a willingness to offer their opinions.
If you or someone you know is interested in helping, please contact Mrs. Young at
Elementary Talent Show Auditions
Elementary Talent Show is March 20, 2020. The theme is “Make a Joyful Noise” based on Psalm 100:1-2. Students can start practicing, and sign up for auditions on February 12-13. We are encouraging students to consider presenting a unique talent. We are looking for a variety of different acts. Interested students can get an audition form from their teacher and turn it in to Ms. Rai (Gr.1) or Ms. Chheang (Gr. 2).
Talent show auditions forms need to be turned in before the auditions (February 12-14).
Please contact Ms. Rai ( with any questions.
Parents of Grade 12 Students – Buy an Ad in the Logos Yearbook
Dear Respected Parents of the Class of 2020,
I would like to address you on behalf of the yearbook business team regarding the congratulatory messages for the senior class in our annual yearbook. As the end of the school year of 2019-2020 is approaching, the yearbook team is working hard to produce this year’s yearbook. As part of a tribute to our graduating class, in addition to senior photos, we provide pages in our yearbook reserved for congratulatory messages for our seniors. Family and friends are welcome to show their love and appreciation for the graduates in the form of written messages and pictures. If you would like to consider this offer, the pricing will be as listed below:
Advertisements Pricing :
Full Page – $100
Half Page – $50
Quarter Page – $25
An Eighth of a Page – $15
Ad designing is also available free of charge if needed.
We ask you to please keep in mind that over 200 copies of the Logos yearbook are published every year; the congratulatory messages and photos that are submitted will be displayed in every published copy. We are sure that the 2019-2020 Logos yearbook will be very special to this year’s graduating class as it is their last. The personal messages from their loved ones, along with their senior photos, will make this yearbook one that they will cherish. We hope you will help the yearbook team create a memorable yearbook for our graduating class of 2020.Â
If you are interested, please contact us at the following email:
Miriam Gamble from The 2019-2020 Yearbook Business Team
Drama Class
The high school drama class will be performing Sherwood: The Adventures of Robin Hood this spring and we need your help!
-We are looking for families willing to lend any silver or black swords and bow and arrow toys for the show. Black, brown, white, or wooden in color.
– Are any parents interested in helping with the costumes? We need to have few things made. We have examples and just need to have some copies made.
If you would like to help with Robin Hood, please email Mrs. Jacob at
APⓇ Bulletins for Students and Parents
Hard copies of our Our APⓇ Bulletins for Students and Parents have arrived. Students can pick up a copy from their APⓇ teacher or Mr. Fischbacher this week. If you are interested, you can also download a pdf copy here.
TCK Transition Retreat Next Summer in the USA
For more than 30 years, Interaction International has been supporting missionary and ex-pat families by hosting transition retreats to help teens transition to life in their passport countries. If you are interested, you can visit their website to learn more about their summer 2020 transition retreats for students ages 12 to 21.
From the Nurse: Virus Outbreak
Logos International School is aware of the new virus outbreak in China causing respiratory complications. The Kingdom of Cambodia has also been alerted to the new coronavirus strain that has been at the center of a pneumonia outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan. “There were no reported cases of the novel coronavirus in Cambodia as of Monday,” Ly Sovann (Director of the Communicable Disease Control Department in Cambodia) said, “but that health officials were on alert during the Chinese New Year holidays.” The WHO has announced that it will continue to monitor the condition and work with China to investigate the epidemic and provide technical expertise.
At Logos we will continue to monitor the situation as well. As a reminder to all students, staff and visitors to the Logos Campus we ask you to remain diligent about hand washing. The school health policy remains in effect:
If a student is showing signs of a communicable illness, they should stay home. If they are at school with these symptoms, a parent will be asked to come and pick up their student. These symptoms include:
- Temperature over 38C or 100F
- Persistent, disruptive cough with yellow or green mucus
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea (persistent, disruptive, or with fever)
- Sore throat with swollen lymph nodes
- Uncovered, infected skin sores
- Eye infection
- Any other contagious illness (chicken pox, typhoid, rubella, dengue, etc)
A student with these symptoms should wait to return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours without temperature-reducing medication (Tylenol, paracetamol, or ibuprofen). If antibiotics are required, then a child should not return to school until they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours. And in the case of vomiting or diarrhea, they should not return until they have been symptom free for 24 hours. There may also be times when a child does not exhibit these specific symptoms, but is not well enough to be at school. The School Nurse should be contacted in this type of situation.
Thank you for your cooperation and support to keep our Students and campus safe.
Library Corner
Logos Lightning Sports Update
February 14, 15, 16
Logos will be hosting the
ASAC Senior basketball tournament
A booth for signing up will be in front of the office before school, and during lunch Thursday and Friday.
ASAC HS Basketball 2020
Volunteer Opportunities Available
Here is the MS/HS Sport Schedules:
Middle School Soccer
High school basketball team:
Next Week at a Glance
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | |
Jan. 27 | Jan. 28 | Jan. 29 | Jan. 30 | Jan. 31 | |
Menu | Chicken Wing with rice and vegetable | Tuna sandwich with salad | Fried Rice with soup | Broccoli Pasta Cream with salad | Orange Honey Chicken with rice and vegetable |
Events |