- February 10 – High School field trip to Toul Sleng and Killing Fields
- February 24 – Early Release Day
- March 8-10 – March Break/ International Women’s Day
- March 17 – End of Quarter 3
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A big “thank you!” goes out to all the Logos parents who helped make this year’s Carnival a huge success.
We are so very grateful for your hard work and commitment, including the large donations raised.
Click here for this week’s Lightning News Flash
Eye strain can have a significant impact on your child’s ability to learn and function effectively. If your child complains about frequent headaches or migraine-like symptoms, especially after long periods spent looking at screens such as computers or tablets, this could be an indication that their eyes are being strained by excessive use. Other physical indicators include soreness around the eyes and blurred vision when switching from one object to another quickly (such as during reading). Additional visual disturbances can also occur including double vision, sensitivity towards light/glare, and dryness/redness in the eyes. Ultimately prevention is always better than cure when it comes to avoiding eye trauma. Protect your child’s vision health by making time for regular eyes examination, ensuring that appropriate lighting levels are maintained in rooms where children use computers or digital devices, and taking regular breaks from screens.
This week, grades 1 and 4 students will undergo visual acuity screenings. A visual acuity test uses a standardized Snellen chart to determine the smallest letters your child can read. The test is merely a small part of the whole visual screening process, and it does not replace the visual examination by an ophthalmologist. I will send a letter with your child regarding the screening results. If your child requires further testing, an email will be sent individually with the recommendation.