- January 28 – HS Basketball Ranking Tournament
- February 1 – Global Play Day!
- February 3 – Secondary Progress Reports
- February 4 – MS Soccer Finals Tournament
- February 6 – NO SCHOOL: Teachers Training day
- February 24 – Early Release Day
- March 8-10 – March Break/ International Women’s Day
Living Well are sponsoring an event:
We are grateful to announce the upcoming event next month: Third Culture Kid workshops led by Tanya Crossman on Feb 18 & 25, 2023 at ICA Church.
To purchase the ticket/s online please go to
For those who pay their annual school fee in monthly installments you need to be aware that the February invoices should be winging their way to you. Please note that fees are due on the first of the month, and there is a “10% late payment” after the 10th of the month for those whose accounts are not settled promptly! . Thanks to those who always pay faithfully and allow us to meet our commitments.
AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Begin next Tuesday, January 31st* Please print and sign the registration form if you have not received one from your child already.
GLOBAL SCHOOL PLAY DAY! Wednesday, February 1st
Click here for this week’s Lightning News Flash
We have noticed an increase in cases related to sore throat among our students since the return after the holiday. It is important to be aware of the potential causes and symptoms of a sore throat. A sore throat can be caused by either viruses or bacteria, and each type requires different treatments. Sore throats caused by viruses are very common in schools due to their contagious nature. Symptoms may include pain when swallowing, redness in the back of the throat, swollen tonsils or lymph nodes on both sides of the neck, hoarseness or loss of voice for more than two days, as well as general fatigue and fever.
On other hand , bacterial infections are less common but tend to cause more severe problems if left untreated . Common signs include high fever, yellowish patches on tonsils along with thick white mucus coating them plus swollen glands around the neck area.
Treatment for a viral sore throat usually involves increasing water intake, and restful sleep combined with over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol. Those that are due to bacterial causes require prescribed antibiotics.