Mark Your Calendar
- Aug. 20 — Back to School Night (Online)
- Aug. 23 — Early Release Day @12pm
- Sept. 3 — No School
- Sept. 10 — Progress Reports
- Sept. 17 — Early Release Day
Elementary Principal’s Corner
Early Years and Elementary:
Back to School “Meet and Greet” – Friday, August 20th, 3-5pm.
The Cambodian national vaccination program started in February 2021 and is using the Sinopharm, Sinovac, AstraZeneca (Covishield) and Janssen (Johnson and Johnson) vaccines. This program will end on 8 September 2021.
The Ministry of Education Youth and Sport pushed for the vaccination of students aged between 12 and 17 years. REMEMBER: you need the two shots (14 days – approx.) apart, followed by a period of approximately two weeks to be considered fully vaccinated. Children aged 12-17 are able to get vaccinated in Phnom Penh at the National Maternal and Child Health Centre. If you are considering a vaccination for somebody in this age group, you should seek medical advice from their local healthcare provider and obtain the correct documentation from your local Sangkat office.
We still await clarification from the Ministry of Education about reopening the High Schools.
Royal Phnom Penh Hospital has also been given permission to import Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines ahead of a paid vaccination service in August/September 2021.
Please click the link below for:
A Brief Explanation of the Finances at Logos
A big thank you to those who have settled up their school fees for the month.
Please remember that Logos charges an ANNUAL FEE, but for convenience and ease, we allow the payment to be made over 10 monthly payments. To ensure that we continue with smooth operation we need fees to be settled promptly. Late fees will attract an interest charge and persistent delays will result in your child(ren)’s learning being disrupted.
As many of you are aware we have started the construction of the new wing to the existing school building. Over the “summer” we managed to insert pilings into the area (to a depth of 20metres!) and now we complete the pile caps and start to create the forms for the beams plus create a new septic tank! Still a long way to go, but it’s nice to be above ground.
A Note from School Nurse
Thank you so much to those who have completed and returned the Student Health and Emergency form. If you have not done so, please complete the form and return it as soon as you can. If your child has received Covid-19 vaccines (whether in Cambodia or abroad), please email with the information. Thank you for your collaboration in supporting the health and wellbeing of our students.