Mark Your Calendar
- April 13-17 – Khmer New Year Break- No School
Secondary Chapel Chats
No Chapel This Week
Secondary Online Learning
Despite some issues with slow internet and power cuts, our transition to online learning has been fairly smooth. We are up and running on a half-day schedule, and things seem to be working. Thank you for all of your help, encouragement, and support during this time. If you would like more information on our expectations for Secondary Students during this time, check out the Secondary Online Remote School Procedures. As we go forward, we would appreciate your feedback. If students are struggling or if the workload seems too overwhelming for students, please let us know. You can email If your family decides to travel or leave the country during our period of online learning, please contact the Logos office. Once again, thanks for your support as we make this transition.
Elementary Remote Learning
Logos Elementary teachers have done an amazing job making the transition from the classroom to the remote setting. For grades PreK 3 through 5, teachers will be using the following methods:
- ZOOM – live video chat, which can also be recorded and sent as a file
- Google Docs – sharing files, links and other resources
- Packet materials – pick up/drop off once a week, at the front gate
- Email – daily communication and instructions
I appreciate all the parents coming to school to pick up materials on Tuesday afternoon, and the great parent involvement overall. Let me just encourage everyone to maintain this good level of communication, and we will be able to make this a positive learning experience for your children.
Mr. Belloni
Logos is Hiring!
We have the following positions open for next school year.
- High School Science Teacher (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Middle School and High School Social Studies Teacher
- High School Business and Accounting Teacher
- Special Education Teacher
Applicants must be Christian. We prefer applicants who have both a teaching credential and teaching experience. Encourage interested applicants to email their cover letter and CV/resume to
International Day / Elementary Talent Show
Due to the Covid-19 virus, we have decided to cancel both this year’s International Day Celebration and the Elementary Talent Show. Thank you to everyone who has helped plan and organize these events, and all the students who worked so hard. We appreciate all of your work.
LPA English Class!
The LPA English Class will not meet until further notice
Library Corner
Covid 19 Update:
We are sad to have our sports program cancelled due to school closure. Please stay in shape, and work on your individual skills.
Stay tuned. Keep praying.
Go Lightning!